Saturday, June 30, 2012

My plane leaves in 5 hours!!

I've been counting down for two months for this day when I will leave to South Africa, but now I can't believe I'm going; I probably won't until I touch that African soil. I don't    know what kind of ministry I will be involved in or how rural or urban the place I'll be in will be. While family and friends have been asking for details, I've been enjoying the mystery of not knowing. I'm so excited! I have ran into many people who have been there and told me how much they love it, the beauty, the people, the culture. I also ran into people who have never been and they give me weary eyes and express how crazy I am to go, how dangerous it will be, and how I should be VERY careful. I understand, I really do understand their concern. I'm just so ready to experience what God has planned for me! And as one wise mother said, 

"I have come to see that we Christians are not called 

to safety, but we are promised that God will be with us when 

we are in danger, and there is no better place to be than in 

the hands of God."

Here are some images that I'm sure many people think of when they hear South Africa:

Basically, the Lion King

Addo Elephant Park, South Africa


     Militia carrying around ga-HUGE guns!

And if you're really good...Nelson Mandela!!


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