Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chillaxed to the max...(Blog from Africa)

So it's day eight on the World Race exposure. Four and  a half of those days were spent traveling. Hopefully, we will be starting ministry tomorrow. I did get to go to the Center and play with  the kids for a couple of hours and had lunch with them a couple of days ago. But so far we have had so much down time. 

I know the World Racers need this break becasue they are in month seven, but I am here for one month. One month to pour in and be poured into. One month to love the people I come  into contact with. Now, less than 20 days.   I didn't fly across the world to relax and sit here doing nothing I think I get enough of  that at home! 

God is still whispering in my ear PATIENCE. I knew I shouldn't have prayed for it ;).

I was excited to go home and tell people how I witnessed all the amazing things that God  did while I was in Africa, and how well God used me, and how I'll never be the same, and think that no one will ever understand  and how I'll be jacked up on the Holy Spirit. 

But this is where I fail.

This trip is not about me. It's about God.

Not what I can do for God or what He can do through me, but how I worship Him and recycle all things back to Him. 

He may or may  not do all or some of the things I hoped to see Him move thorugh. But when I do go home, I will share how God taught me patience and how He  taught me to seek  Him even when I'm in comfort

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